UKEYS FOR WORD. v 1.4. A customizable Unicode keyboard facility for classical Greek and other languages in Microsoft Word97 or later (on Windows 95 / 98 / NT4). (c) 1998 Manuel A. Lopez. All rights reserved. Ukeys customizes your keyboard so that you can use the new standard Unicode 64 K character set to type ancient Greek easily with Word97 or later. If you pay the small registration fee ($25), you will be able to customize the keyboard any way you wish, to type in any language, or multiple languages simultaneously. To install, make sure that all the files in this package are in the same folder or directory. Then load the file readme.doc into Word97. Readme.doc contains installation instructions and macros that setup the keyboard customizations to type classical Greek. For the latest version of this program, see my website: This program is shareware. There are no nag screens, but registration provides you additional features not included with this package. You may freely distribute the original ZIP file as long as no changes have been made to it. You can get the original at this URL: Send questions, problems, or praise by e-mail to: Ukeys and ukeys4wd are trademarks owned by Manuel Lopez, and other product and company names mentioned may be the trademarks of their respective owners.